We promote Corporate Responsibility for a Sustainable World
We are convinced that the promotion of responsible entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial development cooperation enables economically sustainable, stable living conditions and social justice for all people in the long term. The 2030 Agenda should not remain a dream of the future. We are actively committed to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To make our vision of a sustainable world a reality, we are guided by the following values:

For Independent and Responsible Entrepreneurship
We understand entrepreneurial activity as a contribution to the common good, which requires individual entrepreneurs to acknowledge their social obligations. In doing so, we often also start with vocational training.
For us, private property, private initiative and private autonomy are the basis and prerequisites for entrepreneurial business. We support the United Nations initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance.

The Self-Determination of our Partners
We work together with strong and committed partners whose interests, needs, self-determination and personal responsibility are always our focus. We work closely together to design programmes to promote needs-based training and sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship. We implement these together.
Economically Efficient, Socially Just and Ecologically Viable
It is important to us that our partners take the principles of sustainability to heart in their work and that they are respected equally. Projects we support should be economically efficient, socially just and ecologically viable, including along their value chains. The opportunities of future generations must not be restricted by our work.

Decent Working Conditions
When dealing with employees, we would like to be guided by the standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which are an integral part of the UN sustainability agenda. We expect the companies that work with us to stand up for a fair income, safety at work, social security for families. and equal opportunities. We attach great importance to equal rights for girls and women.
Global Solidarity
We are committed to global solidarity with the poor and a global economy that allows fair framework conditions and fair competition for all. Only in this way can as many people as possible benefit from entrepreneurial activity.
Wherever possible, we network with other development cooperation organisations. We bundle our strengths in order to open up perspectives and achieve the participation of as many people as possible.

With our work, we contribute to the achievement of the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

For reasons of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is omitted. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.